dan ternyata benar. menjelang imlek kemarin, klikbca sudah bisa melakukan transfer uang ke rekening bank nasional lain.
setelah diliat liat, ada yang masih gue belum tau, yaitu istilah LLG dan RGTS itu apa?. tapi nanti juga bisa ditanyain ke csnya
dengan adanya fasilitas baru ini, gue sebagai pengguna klikbca jelas merasa seneng banget.
ah.. teknologi!... bener bener manjain orang males kaya' gue yang paling ogah antri teller berlama lama.
selain bisa transfer antar bank, dibagian bawah fungsi transfer, ada option untuk bisa men-set tanggal kapan uang yang ditransfer itu dikirim.
kalo ini sih gak begitu guna buat gue.
via : mamoru chiba @ id-PalmOS
related news : kiriman uang di klikbca individu
at first, i wouldn't know that reading eBook can be fun.
first, eBook usually in english.
second, my english is very - very poor, either grammar or vocabulary.
third, sometimes finishing a real book really - really takes time, can be a day or months, cannot predict -- imagine how much time for me to finish an eBook.
other nice thing about eBook, you can transfer it into your other gadget. and read it there.
later i install thesaurus application on my palmheld, although not as easy as using microsoft word, it help.
the minus points of eBook is,
since you might get it from unauthorize ...umm.. souce.. , sometimes the quality of the eBook is not good, let say if it's OCR-ed version of hardcopy books, then sometimes there are misspelling or funny character that you might found irritated.
and. sometimes reading eBook could cause a twingy feeling in your eyes