either it's e-book or eBook; it's a book that has been converted into digital, so it can be open and read on digital things such as computer, handheld, even a mobile phone (which has java support)

at first, i wouldn't know that reading eBook can be fun.

first, eBook usually in english.
second, my english is very - very poor, either grammar or vocabulary.
third, sometimes finishing a real book really - really takes time, can be a day or months, cannot predict -- imagine how much time for me to finish an eBook.

but recently i try to enjoy reading an eBook with the help of microsoft word (if it is in RTF/WORD format).
right click on the unknown word, select synonyms, voila! if you lucky it will list synonyms for that unknown word.
if you had a nice internet connection, you could select look up then you can go through thesaurus.

but due to my lack of memory-ing things, sometimes i always forget the meaning of every new word that i encounter, especially when the word only pop-up once or twice or third times in that eBook.:P

other nice thing about eBook, you can transfer it into your other gadget. and read it there.
later i install thesaurus application on my palmheld, although not as easy as using microsoft word, it help.

the minus points of eBook is,
since you might get it from unauthorize ...umm.. souce.. , sometimes the quality of the eBook is not good, let say if it's OCR-ed version of hardcopy books, then sometimes there are misspelling or funny character that you might found irritated.

and. sometimes reading eBook could cause a twingy feeling in your eyes



  • Bidadari Rika:  hai, ika salam kenal, ane belum punya instalgram. jadi belum[~~]
  • Rika:  Ih lucu yaaa instagram nya Pitra... dulu [~~]
  • nita:  sangat inspiratif :D umroh in ramadhan [~~]
  • nita:  semoga cepet pulih ya paket haji plus [~~]
  • nita:  semoga cepet pulih ya http://paketumrohhaji.com/ [~~]
  • Natalia:  Semoga cepat pulihnya... Fisioterapi itu memang harus rajin dijalanin ya...[~~]
  • Objek Wisata Di Bandung:  Yang namanya buah sepertinya enak tuh gan. Apalagi buah-buahn yang[~~]

