

one day after ran's late menstrual period, or on a third day of software calculation, i urge her took the test using test pack, the result is one stripe with the second stripe kinda blurry.
3 days later, still no sign of menstruation, then took another test, the result is two stripes.

wow! gue langsung sujud syukur

but doubt still hanging, why on the first day of late period, the result is so not convincing. so we decide to see the doctor to have another test.

do another urine test, the result still the same, 2 stripes.
then the doctor using usg scanner to view inside. the result showed on the pic above.

strangely, the gynecolog suggest that ran should normally do daily activity, no need to worry. no need for her to reduce the activity.
ofcourse he suggests not to played basketball. and if you're normally taking steps up and down, then he believed it will be no problem.
and regarding intercourse, he suggest, just do it normally, no need to lessen the frequency, but he said to do it in normal style, :D

another suggestion, pregnant woman should not taking coffee or strong tea.

unrelated post : as thirty as I wanna be



  • Bidadari Rika:  hai, ika salam kenal, ane belum punya instalgram. jadi belum[~~]
  • Rika:  Ih lucu yaaa instagram nya Pitra... dulu [~~]
  • nita:  sangat inspiratif :D umroh in ramadhan [~~]
  • nita:  semoga cepet pulih ya paket haji plus [~~]
  • nita:  semoga cepet pulih ya http://paketumrohhaji.com/ [~~]
  • Natalia:  Semoga cepat pulihnya... Fisioterapi itu memang harus rajin dijalanin ya...[~~]
  • Objek Wisata Di Bandung:  Yang namanya buah sepertinya enak tuh gan. Apalagi buah-buahn yang[~~]

